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Pissing Off Truckers

This very, very drunk woman ran -- well, swaggered -- up to this truck while we were all slowly moving through traffic on King Edward yesterday. She pulled herself up on the back of the truck and yelled "Come on! Go! How long will it take to get there? When are you gonna stop?" though the driver definitely couldn't hear her. He did, however, notice when another driver pulled up to try and reason with her. The trucker then pulled over as best he could and got out. We drove past so I couldn't tell you what was said between the two of them but I can tell you, he looked angry.



  1. What a freak. A couple of drinks can make someone incredibly shy into a charming person; a lot can turn them into jackasses.

    Fickle Cattle

  2. Whoa! A comment! *wipes off dust*

    Yes! Crazy, for sure :)
